Despites a wet few days beforehand, Saturday dawned dry for the Nomads club trial at the Pickling Yards. Rey and Dave plotted out 10 dry sections on a longish lap to give everyone a good ride round.
18 riders signed on and everyone had a good day and finished all 4 laps. In the end, Richard Norris won the A route on 3 marks lost, Dave Barrett took the B on 9, and Jordan Green took the C route victory. Brice Haines was best Pre 65 on the brilliant sounding Sparrow and Aaron Geater best youth.
Carl Boraman takes the award as last rider to turn up – arriving a day late at 9:30am on Sunday 😁
Results: results CtC 21 – Round 5 – Pickling Yards – 131121 – V2
Our next trial will be our Christmas charity trial, again at the Pickling Yards – Wednesday 29th Dec. Drag out that old bike and burn off a little turkey….